Hebrews 12:14

Welcome, Faith Force Peace Pursuers! Today, we’re learning about how God calls us to live in peace with others and to seek holiness, as shared in He…


Jacob, the son of Isaac and Rebekah, was born as the younger twin brother of Esau. Early in his life, Jacob lived up to his name (which means "deceive…

1 Peter 3:8-9

Welcome, Faith Force Unity Builders! Today, we’re learning about how God calls us to live in harmony, showing love and kindness even when it’s har…

Philemon 1:15-16

Welcome, Faith Force Restorers! Today, we’re learning about how Jesus brings people together and makes us part of God’s family, as shared in Phile…

1 Peter 2:24

#FaithForceFamilies âœï¸ 1 Peter 2:24 reminds us that Jesus bore our sins so we could be healed. Create a "Healing Cross" craft with words like "For…

Isaiah 1:18

Welcome, Faith Force Purity Seekers! Today, we’re learning about how God washes away our sins and makes us new, as shared in Isaiah 1:18.

Daniel 9:9

Welcome, Faith Force Mercy Seekers! Today, we’re learning about God’s endless mercy and forgiveness, as shared in Daniel 9:9.

Psalm 86:5

Welcome, Faith Force Grace Receivers! Today, we’re learning about God’s amazing love and His willingness to forgive, as shared in Psalm 86:5.

James 5:16

Welcome, Faith Force Prayer Warriors! Today, we’re learning about the power of prayer and supporting each other, as shared in James 5:16.

Ephesians 4:31-32

Nurturing tomorrow’s heroes Today! Divine Dispatch Ephesians 4:31-32 Kind Hearts: Choosing Love Over Anger Welcome, Faith Force Kindness Keepers! Today, we’re learning about replacing anger…

Luke 6:35-36

Welcome, Faith Force Mercy Givers! Today, we’re learning about loving our enemies and being merciful like God, as shared in Luke 6:35-36.

Mark 11:25

Welcome, Faith Force Forgiveness Warriors! Today, we’re learning about how forgiveness connects us to God, as shared in Mark 11:25.

1 John 3:16

Welcome, Faith Force Love Givers! Today, we’re learning about the depth of Jesus’ love and how we can reflect it, as shared in 1 John 3:16.

Ephesians 5:2

Nurturing tomorrow’s heroes Today! Divine Dispatch Ephesians 5:2 Walking in Love: Living Like Jesus Welcome, Faith Force Love Walkers! Today, we’re learning about walking in…

John 13:34-35

Welcome, Faith Force Love Reflectors! Today, we’re learning about how loving one another shows the world we are followers of Jesus, as shared in Joh…

Micah 7:18-19

Welcome, Faith Force Mercy Champions! Today, we’re learning about God’s incredible mercy and forgiveness, as shared in Micah 7:18-19.

Hebrews 8:12

Welcome, Faith Force Grace Receivers! Today, we’re learning about God’s promise to forgive and forget our sins, as shared in Hebrews 8:12.

1 John 1:7-9

Welcome, Faith Force Light Walkers! Today, we’re learning about walking in God’s light and receiving His forgiveness, as shared in 1 John 1:7-9.

1 John 4:7

Welcome, Faith Force Love Carriers! Today, we’re learning about how loving one another shows that we belong to God, as shared in 1 John 4:7.


Mary was a humble young woman living in Nazareth when the angel Gabriel appeared to her, announcing that she had been chosen to bear the Messiah. Thou…

Ephesians 2:4-5

Welcome, Faith Force Grace Receivers! Today, we’re learning about God’s great love and how He makes us alive in Christ, as shared in Ephesians 2:4…

1 Peter 1:18-19

Welcome, Faith Force Redeemed Souls! Today, we’re learning about how Jesus redeemed us through His precious sacrifice, as shared in 1 Peter 1:18-19.

Titus 3:4-5

Welcome, Faith Force Mercy Receivers! Today, we’re learning about how God saved us through His mercy and grace, as shared in Titus 3:4-5.

1 John 4:9-10

Welcome, Faith Force Love Seekers! Today, we’re learning about how God showed His amazing love through Jesus, as shared in 1 John 4:9-10.

Isaiah 11:1

Welcome, Faith Force Hope Growers! Today, we’re learning about the hope and renewal we have through Jesus, as shared in Isaiah 11:1.

Jeremiah 33:14

Welcome, Faith Force Promise Keepers! Today, we’re learning about God’s faithfulness in keeping His promises, as shared in Jeremiah 33:14.

1 John 3:16

Welcome, Faith Force Love Warriors! Today, we’re learning about the depth of Jesus’ love and what it means to love like Him, as shared in 1 John 3…

John 13:34

Welcome, Faith Force Love Commanders! Today, we’re learning about Jesus’ new commandment to love one another, as shared in John 13:34.

Matthew 22:37

Welcome, Faith Force Greatest Commandment Followers! Today, we’re learning about the most important commandment—to love God with all our heart, so…

Snowy Kindness

Snuggle up for a frosty yet heartwarming adventure with Jessie in “Heartwarming Harvest: Jessie’s Winter of Generosity,†the latest episode of V…

John 3:34-35

Welcome, Faith Force Obedient Hearts! Today, we’re learning about the limitless Spirit God gives through Jesus and how we can live in His love, as s…

Romans 5:8

Welcome, Faith Force Unstoppable Love Champions! Today, we’re learning about the depth of God’s love, shown through Jesus’ sacrifice for us, as …

1 John 4:16

Welcome, Faith Force Love Dwellers! Today, we’re learning about living in God’s love and letting His love guide our lives, as shared in 1 John 4:1…

John 11:25-26

Welcome, Faith Force Eternal Life Explorers! Today, we’re learning about the amazing promise of eternal life through Jesus, as shared in John 11:25-…

Matthew 6:21

Welcome, Faith Force Treasure Seekers! Today, we’re learning about keeping our hearts focused on what truly matters, as shared in Matthew 6:21.

John 1:5

Welcome, Faith Force Light Keepers! Today, we’re learning about how God’s light shines brightly and can never be overcome, as shared in John 1:5.


Job was a wealthy and righteous man, known for his devotion to God and his fair treatment of others. He lived in the land of Uz and had a large family…

Romans 15:5

Welcome, Faith Force Harmony Builders! Today, we’re learning about living in unity and encouraging one another, as shared in Romans 15:5.

John 1:14

Welcome, Faith Force Truth Seekers! Today, we’re learning about Jesus, the Word of God, becoming human to live with us, as shared in John 1:14.

Proverbs 18:10

Welcome, Faith Force Strong Tower Guardians! Today, we’re learning about the safety and strength we find in God’s name, as shared in Proverbs 18:1…

Deuteronomy 6:5

Welcome, Faith Force Heart and Soul Heroes! Today, we’re learning about loving God with all our heart, soul, and strength, as shared in Deuteronomy …

Isaiah 9:2

Welcome, Faith Force Light Bringers! Today, we’re learning about the light of God that shines in the darkest times, as shared in Isaiah 9:2.

John 15:12

Welcome, Faith Force Love Commanders! Today, we’re learning about loving others the way Jesus loves us, as shared in John 15:12.

Romans 5:3-5

Welcome, Faith Force Hopeful Hearts! Today, we’re learning about how hard times help us grow and lead us to hope, as shared in Romans 5:3-5.

Acts 3:19

Welcome, Faith Force Refresh Seekers! Today, we’re learning about repentance and the joy of being refreshed by God, as shared in Acts 3:19.


Daniel was a young Hebrew man taken into captivity by the Babylonian empire when King Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem. Along with other young men, D…

Jude 1:22

Welcome, Faith Force Compassionate Hearts! Today, we’re learning about showing mercy and kindness to those in need, as shared in Jude 1:22.

John 20:29

Welcome, Faith Force Believing Hearts! Today, we’re learning about the blessing of believing in Jesus, even when we can’t see Him, as shared in Jo…

Galatians 5:16

Welcome, Faith Force Spirit Walkers! Today, we’re learning about what it means to follow God’s Spirit in all we do, as shared in Galatians 5:16.

Proverbs 16:9

Welcome, Faith Force Guided Explorers! Today, we’re learning about how God guides our path, even when we make our own plans, as shared in Proverbs 1…

Psalms 105:1

Welcome, Faith Force Praise-Givers! Today, we’re learning about giving thanks to God and sharing His wonderful deeds, as shared in Psalm 105:1

2 Timothy 4:7

Welcome, Faith Force Finish Line Champions! Today, we’re learning about what it means to finish strong and keep the faith, as shared in 2 Timothy 4:…

James 1:12

Welcome, Faith Force Endurance Champions! Today, we’re learning about how staying strong through hard times brings God’s blessing, as shared in Ja…

Hebrews 11:1

Welcome, Faith Force Faith Believers! Today, we’re learning about what faith really means and how it helps us trust God, as shared in Hebrews 11:1.

Psalms 20:7

Welcome, Faith Force Faithful Warriors! Today, we’re learning about putting our trust in God, not in earthly things, as shared in Psalm 20:7.

Joshua 1:8

Welcome, Faith Force God’s Word Keepers! Today, we’re learning about the importance of keeping God’s Word close to our hearts and following it e…