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Romans 15:5

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Romans 15-5 Image

Teamwork in Tune!

Hey there, harmony heroes! Are you ready to make beautiful music together?

In Romans 15:5, it says, ‘May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had.’

Imagine our friendships and relationships as a melody of love and unity. God wants us to work together like a perfect orchestra, where each instrument plays its part. Jesus shows us the way to be in tune with each other.

When we encourage and support one another, we become harmony heroes, creating a world filled with love and peace. Just as musicians need to listen to each other to play beautiful music, we need to listen and care for one another.

So, today, let's be harmony heroes!

Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a symphony of love, playing your part with kindness and encouragement. Let’s make beautiful music together in our friendships and families!

Ok, that is all for today! See you next time...

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