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Revelation 22:13

Revelation 22:13

Hey there, all you awesome kids!

Guess what?

That God is super special? He’s like a superhero!

In the Bible, there’s a verse in a special book called Revelation that says, ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.’

That might sound tricky, but it’s actually pretty awesome!

You know how we have an alphabet, right? A, B, C, and so on. Well, God is like the very first letter of the alphabet, and He’s also like the very last letter too. He’s the beginning and the end!

Imagine you have a favorite book. The first page is the beginning of the story, and the last page is the end of the story. Well, God is like that. He’s there right at the start, and He’s there all the way at the very end. He’s always been here, and He will always be here!

God is so big and amazing that He knows everything. He knows all the cool things that happened in the past, and He knows all the amazing things that will happen in the future. He’s like the best superhero ever, and He’s always ready to help us and love us.

He is the one who made everything and holds everything together. Isn’t that amazing? It’s like having the coolest superhero on our side every single day! So, whenever you feel scared or unsure, remember that God is always with you, from the beginning to the end.

So, no matter what happens, remember that God is here for you!

Today, let’s take a moment to thank God for being the Alpha and the Omega. Thank Him for always being there, loving us, and helping us. And remember, you are special and important to God. He has an amazing plan for your life, and He will be with you every step of the way!

Ok, that is all for today! See you next time...

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