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Psalm 113:3

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Psalm 113:3

Shout for Joy!

Are you ready to celebrate God's greatness?

In Psalm 113:3, it says, ‘From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.’

Imagine the whole world joining together to shout for joy and praise God’s name. Well, that’s what this verse is all about! God’s name is so amazing and worthy of our praise.

From the moment the sun rises to when it sets, every day, in every place, God’s name should be praised. He is the Creator of the entire universe, and His love and power are beyond measure.

When we praise God’s name, we acknowledge His greatness and express our love and gratitude. We can praise Him through songs, prayers, and acts of kindness. He delights in our joyful hearts and thankful spirits

So, today, let's remember to shout for joy and praise God's name.

Let’s appreciate the beauty of His creation and thank Him for His love and faithfulness. His name is above all names, and He deserves our praise every day!

Ok, that is all for today! See you next time...

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