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Matthew 9:37

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Matthew 9:37

Hey there, all you awesome kids!

Guess what?

Let’s dive into an exciting verse today! Jesus said, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.’

Imagine being part of a super special team, just like superheroes joining forces to make a difference! Well, that’s exactly what Jesus is talking about. He says that there are so many people who need to hear about God’s love, but there aren’t enough workers to share the good news.

Guess what? Jesus wants you to be part of His team! You may be thinking, ‘Me? But I’m just a kid!’ Well, let me tell you something amazing. God can use anyone, no matter how big or small, to do something incredible. You have a special role to play in God’s big plan!

Being part of God’s harvest team means showing kindness, love, and helping others. You can be a superhero of love by being a good friend, comforting someone who’s sad, or sharing a smile with others. You can pray for those who are hurting and tell them about God’s amazing love.

Remember, you are never too young to make a difference!

Your actions and words can shine a light in this world. By sharing God’s love, you’re helping to bring more people into His loving family.

So, today, let’s pray and ask God to show us how we can be part of His amazing team. Let’s be ready to share His love, help others, and make this world a better place. You are important, and God has a special purpose for your life. Join His harvest team and let’s make a difference together!

Ok, that is all for today! See you next time...

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