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Matthew 7:8

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Matthew 7:8

Knock, Seek, and Find

Hey there, awesome kids! Are you ready to unlock an amazing truth today?

In Matthew 7:8, Jesus said, ‘For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.’

Imagine having access to a special treasure chest filled with all the things you need and desire. Well, that’s exactly what Jesus is talking about! He wants us to know that when we ask, seek, and knock with faith, God hears us and responds.

When you have a question, need help, or want something important, God invites you to come to Him. Just like a loving parent, He listens to your prayers and knows what’s best for you. When you ask Him with a sincere heart, He’s ready to answer and provide what you need.

God also encourages us to seek Him with curiosity and a hunger to know Him more. Just like exploring a hidden treasure map, as you seek Him through reading the Bible, talking to Him in prayer, and learning about His ways, you’ll discover amazing things about God and His love for you.

And when you approach God’s door with a knock, He opens it wide for you. He invites you into His presence, where you can experience His peace, comfort, and guidance. His door is always open, and He’s waiting for you with open arms.

So, today, let's remember the power of asking, seeking, and knocking with faith.

Talk to God, explore His Word, and trust that He is listening and responding. He wants to have a close relationship with you and show you His amazing love. Keep seeking, keep asking, and keep knocking, and you will find the treasures of His goodness!

Ok, that is all for today! See you next time...

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