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Matthew 5:6

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Matthew 5-6 New Image

Filling Up on Goodness!

Hello, hungry-for-righteousness heroes!

Are you ready to discover a powerful appetite? In Matthew 5:6, it says, ‘Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.’

Imagine your hunger for goodness as a superhero’s energy source. When we seek to do what’s right and fair, it’s like filling up on a superpower that keeps us strong and happy. Superheroes use their energy to make the world better. Likewise, when we hunger for righteousness, we become heroes who spread goodness and make a positive difference.

So, today, let's be righteousness-hungry heroes.

Close your eyes and imagine your heart craving goodness. Let’s do what’s right, and in doing so, fill ourselves with a superpower that helps us shine brightly!

Ok, that is all for today! See you next time...

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