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Matthew 4:4

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Matthew 4:4

Spiritual Nourishment!

Are you ready to feast on something amazing?

In Matthew 4:4, it says, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’

Imagine your favorite meal, filling your tummy with joy and energy. Well, just like we need food to grow strong physically, our hearts and souls need something special too—God’s Word!

The Bible is like a delicious buffet of wisdom and love from God. It’s filled with amazing stories, promises, and teachings that nourish our spirits. When we read and learn from the Bible, our faith grows and our love for God deepens.

God’s Word gives us strength, courage, and guidance for every day. It’s like a treasure map that leads us to the most incredible journey of life. And guess what? God’s Word will never run out. There’s always more to explore and learn.

So, today, let's feast on God's Word!

Close your eyes and imagine the Bible as a banquet, waiting for you to dig in. Let’s cherish each word that comes from God’s mouth and grow in faith, knowing that His Word is the key to a joyful and fulfilling life!

Ok, that is all for today! See you next time...

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