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Matthew 19:14 ​

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Matthew 19:14

Hey there, all you awesome kids!

Guess what?

Jesus loves you so much! He said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and don’t stop them, because God’s kingdom is for kids like you! Isn’t that amazing?

Jesus wants you to be near Him and be His friend. You are super special to Him! He thinks you are fantastic, just the way you are. Isn’t that cool?

So, every day, remember that Jesus is always waiting for you with open arms. You can talk to Him anytime, and He will listen to every word you say! Sometimes, grown-ups might forget how important you are, but not Jesus. He knows that you have a big heart and beautiful dreams. You are never too young or too old to be loved by Him!

Just like Jesus welcomed the little children a long time ago, He welcomes you today. Jesus loves you so much, and you belong in His heart forever!

So, keep being yourself, keep being kind, and keep being brave.

Remember that Jesus is your forever friend, and you are always welcome in His kingdom. He thinks you’re amazing, and He’s always ready to be with you. So, let’s remember to thank Jesus for His love and friendship every day!

Ok, that is all for today! See you next time...

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