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Divine Dispatch

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John 14:6

Truth Trailblazers: Following the Right Path

Hello, Faith Force Truth Trailblazers! Today, we're discovering the path to truth and life through the powerful words of John 14:6.

Verse Of The Day:

"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" (John 14:6)

John 146 Image

Imagine you’re on a big adventure, exploring a vast forest full of winding paths. Some paths might look interesting but lead to dead ends. John 14:6 is like a trusty map Jesus gives us, showing that He is the only path that leads to true happiness and to God. He doesn’t just show us the way; He is the way!

This verse teaches us that by following Jesus, we’re choosing the path that leads to truth and eternal life. It’s about trusting Him to guide us in every decision and believing that His ways are always best. Just like a guide in a tricky hike, Jesus helps us navigate through life’s challenges and brings us safely to our heavenly destination.

Pathfinder Journal:

Create a “Pathfinder Journal” where you can write about times when following Jesus helped you make the right choices. Draw maps of these experiences, showing the different paths you could have taken and the path you chose with Jesus. This journal will help you see how Jesus guides you every day.

Time For A Prayer:

Lord Jesus, thank you for being our way, truth, and life. Help us to follow You faithfully and trust in Your guidance. Teach us to walk Your path and show others the way to You. Amen.

Keep exploring and trusting, Faith Force Truth Trailblazers! Remember, until our next Divine Dispatch, every step you take with Jesus leads you closer to truth and everlasting joy.

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