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Divine Dispatch

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John 14:21

Love That Shines Bright

Hello, Faith Force Kids! Today's Divine Dispatch illuminates the transformative power of love in our lives.

Verse Of The Day:

"Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them." (John 14:21)

John 14:21

Imagine love as a radiant light that distinguishes us as followers of Jesus. This verse reveals that our love for Jesus is expressed through obeying His commands, and in turn, we experience the love of God.

It’s like becoming superheroes of love, with hearts that glow brightly with the love of Christ. As we love and obey, we embody the essence of discipleship, shining a light that draws people closer to the source of all love.

Time For A Prayer:

Dear God, help us to love and obey your commands. May our actions reflect the love we have for You and draw others into Your embrace. Amen.

Ok, that is all for today! See you next time...

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