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John 1:1

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John 1:1

God's Amazing Plan!

Are you ready to hear a mind-blowing story?

In John 1:1, it says, ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’

Imagine a time before anything existed, and there was only God. Well, that’s how it all began! In the beginning, God was there with His amazing plan.

The Bible calls Jesus ‘the Word.’ He was with God from the very start, and guess what? He is God too! Yes, that’s right! Jesus, God’s Son, is part of God Himself.

God had this incredible plan to come to earth as a human, to be with us, and to show us His love in a way we could understand. So, Jesus, the Word, became a baby and lived among us!

Through Jesus, God spoke to us and showed us how to love one another. He taught us about God’s kingdom and sacrificed Himself for our sins. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection are the most amazing parts of God’s plan!

So, today, let's celebrate God's amazing plan in sending Jesus, the Word, to be with us.

Close your eyes and imagine the world coming to life, with Jesus right there, showing you how much God loves you. Let’s thank Him for His incredible love and the gift of Jesus!

Ok, that is all for today! See you next time...

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