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Divine Dispatch

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Isaiah 43:18

Epic Adventures Await: Embracing New Beginnings!

Hello, Faith Force Pioneers! Today's Divine Dispatch is all about letting go of the old and getting ready for the exciting new adventures God has for us.

Verse Of The Day:

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past." (Isaiah 43:18)

Isaiah 43-18 Image

Imagine you’re a brave explorer setting out on a thrilling journey. You have an old map filled with tales of past adventures, but guess what? Today, you get a brand-new, blank map, ready to be filled with even greater adventures that await you!

This verse from Isaiah is like God handing us a new map and saying, “Hey, don’t worry about the old paths or the bumps along the way. I’ve got something amazing planned for you!” It’s about trusting God and getting excited for the new paths He’s laying out, full of surprises and joy.

Adventure Capsule:

Create your own “Adventure Capsule” with a small box or jar. Write down things you’re excited to see, do, or become on little pieces of paper. These are your hopes and dreams for the future! Decorate your capsule and keep it somewhere special. Whenever you add a new dream or celebrate a new adventure, you’ll see how God is guiding you on an incredible journey.

Time For A Prayer:

Dear God, thank You for the adventures we've had and for the new ones to come. Help us to trust in Your plans and get excited about the future. Guide us as we explore the wonderful paths You have for us. Amen.

That's all for today, Faith Force Explorers! Remember, God is always ready to lead us into new and exciting journeys. Keep your hearts open and your spirits adventurous. See you next time for more Divine Dispatch adventures!

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