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Divine Dispatch

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1 Chronicles 16:10

Seeking God's Face

Hello, Faith Force Kids! Today's Divine Dispatch invites us to embark on a journey of seeking God's face with joy-filled hearts.

Verse Of The Day:

"Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice." (1 Chronicles 16:10)

1 Chronicles 16:10

Imagine a superhero quest filled with joy, as our hearts rejoice in seeking the Lord’s holy name. This verse encourages us to find glory and delight in our pursuit of God’s presence.

It’s like entering a realm where seeking God becomes an adventure, and joy is the reward of those who earnestly search for Him. As we seek His face, we become superheroes of joy, discovering the treasures of God’s presence.

Time For A Prayer:

Dear God, as we seek Your face, fill our hearts with joy. May our pursuit of Your presence be a source of glory and delight in our lives. Amen.

That's all for today, Faith Force Kids! Stay tuned for more joy-filled and adventurous moments in our next Divine Dispatch. See you next time!

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