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Divine Dispatch

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Matthew 18:12

The Shepherd's Heart: Every Sheep is Precious

Hello, Faith Force Rescuers! Today's adventure highlights the boundless love and care that God has for each and every one of us, no matter what.

Verse Of The Day:

"What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?" (Matthew 18:12)

Matthew 18:12 Image

Imagine you’re a shepherd with a big flock of fluffy sheep. They’re all happily grazing on a sunny hillside. But then, you notice one little sheep is missing. It has wandered off! Even though you have so many other sheep safe with you, you can’t rest until that one lost sheep is found and brought back safely. That’s exactly the picture Jesus paints for us in Matthew 18:12.

Jesus uses this story to show us how much God loves each of us. Like the shepherd who goes after the one lost sheep, God cares for us so deeply that He comes looking for us whenever we’re lost or in trouble. It’s a reminder that to God, each of us is incredibly important and precious, and He wants us all to feel safe and loved in His care.

Lost Sheep Maze:

Create a fun maze on paper, where the path leads a lost sheep back to the shepherd. Along the way, you can add challenges or helpers that represent the ways God helps us and guides us back when we feel lost. This maze is a reminder that, no matter where we wander, God is always ready to lead us back home.

Time For A Prayer:

Dear Shepherd, thank You for loving us so much that You come looking for us whenever we stray. Help us to remember that we are precious in Your eyes and that You're always there to guide us back to safety. Amen.

Keep following the Shepherd, Faith Force! Remember, no matter how far we may wander, God’s love will always find us and bring us back. Until our next Divine Dispatch, stay close to the Shepherd’s heart!

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