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21 Day Habit Forming - Gratitude Journal for Boys

4,99 $

Gratitude Journal for Boys: 21 Days of Habit-Forming Practice

Welcome to the Gratitude Journal for Boys - a transformative 21-day habit-forming journey to cultivate joy, gratitude, and a flourishing mindset. In this enchanting journal, boys will embark on an adventure, exploring the art of gratitude and positive thinking. Each day, they will be encouraged to capture their thoughts and emotions, noting the highs and lows, while unlocking the secrets of their own hearts. With weekly to-do lists and goal-setting sections, they'll embrace a sense of purpose and focus, unleashing their inner potential. As they immerse themselves in daily devotion prompts, they'll discover nourishing food for thought, igniting their spiritual growth and strengthening their connection with God. Through the magic of journaling, these little blessings will develop a deeper understanding of themselves, foster resilience, and build a lasting foundation of faith. So, let their pens dance across the pages, as they unfold the chapters of gratitude, mindfulness, and self-discovery.

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