Divine Dispatch

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Matthew 6:19

Treasure Keepers: Storing Up Heavenly Riches

Welcome, Faith Force Treasure Keepers! Today, we’re learning about what really matters when it comes to treasure and where we should store our riches, as shared in Matthew 6:19.

Verse Of The Day:

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal." (Matthew 6:19)

Matthew 6-19 Image

Imagine finding a treasure chest filled with gold and jewels—how exciting that would be! But what if that treasure could easily get lost, stolen, or ruined? In Matthew 6:19, Jesus reminds us that the treasures we store up on earth, like money and toys, can fade away or be taken from us. But there’s a different kind of treasure that no one can steal and that never loses its value—heavenly treasure!

Heavenly treasure is all the good things we do that make God happy—like being kind, helping others, praying, and loving God with all our hearts. These treasures last forever and are stored safely with God. While it’s okay to enjoy nice things on earth, Jesus wants us to focus on what really matters: living in a way that brings us closer to Him and storing up treasures in heaven.

When we spend our time and energy on the things that matter to God, we’re filling up a treasure chest in heaven that will never be destroyed. These treasures are acts of love, faith, and kindness that shine bright forever. And the best part? The more we focus on heavenly treasures, the happier and more fulfilled we’ll feel!

Heavenly Treasure Box:

Create a “Heavenly Treasure Box” at home! Find a small box and decorate it with bright colors, jewels, or words like “Kindness,” “Love,” and “Faith.” Each time you do something that stores up treasure in heaven—like helping a friend, praying, or sharing with others—write it down on a small piece of paper and place it in the box. At the end of each week, open the box with your family and see how much heavenly treasure you’ve stored up! This activity helps kids focus on actions that bring them closer to God and fill their lives with true treasure.

Time For A Prayer:

Dear Jesus, thank You for teaching us about what truly matters. Help us to focus on storing up treasures in heaven by loving You, helping others, and doing what is right. Teach us to value the things that last forever and to live in a way that honors You. May our hearts be filled with heavenly treasure, shining brightly for You. Amen.

Keep storing up heavenly treasures, Faith Force Treasure Keepers! Until our next Divine Dispatch, remember that the most valuable treasures are those that last forever in heaven. Let’s fill our lives with love, kindness, and faith, and watch our heavenly treasure grow!