Divine Dispatch

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Matthew 28:6

Resurrection Revelers: Celebrating the Empty Tomb

Hello, Faith Force Resurrection Revelers! Today, we rejoice in the pivotal truth of our faith, the resurrection, as declared in Matthew 28:6.

Verse Of The Day:

"He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay." (Matthew 28:6)

Matthew 28:6 Image

Imagine discovering something incredible—a treasure, a secret passage, or the first clue in a mystery. Matthew 28:6 invites us into such a moment of astonishing discovery: the empty tomb where Jesus once lay. This is not just a historical event; it’s the cornerstone of our faith, showing that Jesus conquered death and promises new life to all who believe in Him.

This verse calls us to share this great news, just as the women who first saw the empty tomb did. It’s a message of hope, victory, and eternal life, meant to be celebrated and shared far and wide. Let’s embrace this joyful news and let it transform how we live each da

Empty Tomb Tour:

Create a small model or drawing of the empty tomb with materials you have at home. Arrange a “tour” for friends or family where you explain what happened and why it’s important. Use this as an opportunity to discuss the impact of Jesus’ resurrection on your life.

Time For A Prayer:

Lord Jesus, we are overwhelmed with joy at Your resurrection. Thank you for conquering death and offering us hope and new life. Help us to always remember the significance of the empty tomb and to live in the victory You have won for us. Amen.

Celebrate the victory, Faith Force Resurrection Revelers! Remember, until our next Divine Dispatch, the empty tomb is a call to joy and a reason to share the hope of Jesus with everyone you m