Divine Dispatch

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Luke 6:38

Generous Givers: Blessings Overflow When We Give

Welcome, Faith Force Generous Givers! Today, we’re learning about the power of generosity and how God blesses those who give, as shared in Luke 6:38.

Verse Of The Day:

"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." (Luke 6:38)

Luke 6-38 Image

Imagine filling a bucket with sand and then pressing it down so more sand can fit. Now, imagine that bucket overflowing with more than you ever expected! That’s what Luke 6:38 tells us about giving. When we give generously—whether it’s our time, love, help, or things—God blesses us with even more in return.

God wants us to have generous hearts, giving to others without holding back. When we give out of love, God promises to give back to us in ways that overflow, like a cup that keeps getting filled until it spills over the top. But God’s blessings aren’t just about getting more things—they are about the joy, peace, and love that come from helping others.

Being generous is like planting seeds. When we share with others, those seeds grow into even bigger blessings, not just for them but for us, too! God’s blessings are greater than anything we could imagine, and they come when we open our hearts to give.

Overflowing Cup Craft:

Create an “Overflowing Cup” craft! Use a paper cup and decorate it with words that represent generosity, like “Love,” “Kindness,” “Sharing,” and “Helping.” Cut out small strips of paper and write down ways you can give to others, like sharing toys, helping at home, or being kind. Fill the cup with these strips to remind yourself that when we give, God fills our lives with even more blessings. This craft helps kids understand the joy and reward that come from being generous.

Time For A Prayer:

Dear God, thank You for teaching us about the power of giving. Help us to have generous hearts and to give freely to others. Remind us that when we give, You bless us in ways that overflow. Teach us to be kind and giving in all that we do, trusting in Your promise to fill our lives with joy and love. Amen.

Keep giving generously, Faith Force Generous Givers! Until our next Divine Dispatch, remember that when we give to others, God blesses us with even more. Let’s open our hearts and share what we have, knowing that God’s blessings will overflow in our lives.

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