Divine Dispatch

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Genesis 2:2-3

Sabbath Celebrators: Honoring Rest and Renewal

Welcome, Faith Force Sabbath Celebrators! Today, we explore the divine example of rest, as established in Genesis 2:2-3.

Verse Of The Day:

"By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done." (Genesis 2:2-3)

Genesis 2-2-3 Image

Imagine completing a big, exciting project—maybe a model airplane or a detailed drawing. After you’ve finished, you take a step back to enjoy your work, resting and reflecting on what you’ve created. This is similar to what God did after creating the world. Genesis 2:2-3 tells us about God’s rest on the seventh day, not because He was tired, but to set an example for us about the importance of rest and reflection after work.

This passage teaches us that rest is not just a break from work; it’s a necessary rhythm of life that God Himself honored and blessed. It’s a time to recharge, celebrate our accomplishments, and prepare ourselves for new challenges ahead. Rest is so vital that God made it holy, reminding us to regularly pause our busy lives to connect with Him and our families, and to care for our own well-being.

Creation and Rest Journal:

Encourage children and their families to keep a “Creation and Rest Journal.” For six days, they can write or draw about their daily activities and achievements. On the seventh day, the journal is used to record thoughts during rest—what they enjoyed, learned, and are thankful for. This practice helps cultivate a rhythm of work and rest, following God’s example.

Time For A Prayer:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the blessing of work and the gift of rest. Help us to remember the importance of pausing to rest and reflect, just as You did during creation. May our rest days be a time of rejuvenation and joy, drawing us closer to You and to each other. Amen.

Enjoy your rest, Faith Force Sabbath Celebrators! Remember, until our next Divine Dispatch, balance your week with activity and rest, just as God designed. Let each Sabbath be a holy time to celebrate the past week’s work and to refresh your spirit for what comes next.