Divine Dispatch

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Ecclesiastes 4:9

Better Together: The Power of Helping Each Other

Welcome, Faith Force Team Builders! Today, we’re learning about how we can accomplish more when we work together, as shared in Ecclesiastes 4:9.

Verse Of The Day:

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor." (Ecclesiastes 4:9)

Ecclesiastes 4-9 Image

Imagine trying to lift something heavy all by yourself. It’s hard! But when a friend comes along to help, it suddenly gets much easier. That’s what Ecclesiastes 4:9 teaches us—two people can accomplish more when they work together than when they try to do everything alone.

God designed us to be helpers and to work together. Whether it’s helping a friend, working on a team, or doing something for our family, we can do so much more when we support each other. Working together also makes things more fun! When we share the load, we’re not only stronger, but we also build friendships and learn to care for each other.

God loves when we help one another. Just like Jesus helped those around Him, we’re called to lend a hand, share our gifts, and make life better for those we care about. When we work together, we accomplish great things and show the world the love of God.

Helping Hands Craft:

Create a “Helping Hands” craft! Trace your hand on a piece of paper and cut it out. On each finger, write down ways you can help others, like “Help with chores,” “Pray for someone,” or “Be a good listener.” Make a second hand, and together they will represent how “two are better than one.” Hang the hands somewhere to remind yourself to help others every day. This craft helps kids see the importance of teamwork and how much stronger we are when we work together.

Time For A Prayer:

Dear God, thank You for teaching us that we are stronger together. Help us to be willing to lend a hand and to work alongside others to accomplish good things. Show us how to love and help one another, just as Jesus did. May we always be ready to support our friends and family, knowing that we are better together. Amen.

Keep helping and working together, Faith Force Team Builders! Until our next Divine Dispatch, remember that when we join hands and help each other, we can do amazing things. Let’s be a team that shows God’s love by working together!

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