Divine Dispatch

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Psalm 23:4

Fearless Walkers: Trusting God in the Dark Valleys

Welcome, Faith Force Fearless Walkers! Today, we’re learning about how God is always with us, even in the scariest moments, as shared in Psalm 23:4.

Verse Of The Day:

"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." (Psalm 23:4)

Psalm 23:4 Image

Imagine walking through a dark, shadowy valley where it feels a little scary, but you’re not afraid—because right next to you is someone strong and brave who protects you. That’s how David describes God in Psalm 23:4. Even in the hardest and scariest times, we don’t have to be afraid, because God is always with us!

God is like a good shepherd who protects His sheep. The “rod and staff” mentioned in the verse are tools a shepherd uses to guide and protect the sheep from danger. In the same way, God uses His love, wisdom, and strength to protect us and guide us safely through any difficult situations we face.

Sometimes, life can feel like we’re walking through dark valleys—times when we feel worried, afraid, or unsure. But the good news is, we are never alone! God is right there with us, holding us close, protecting us, and giving us the courage to keep moving forward. With Him by our side, we can walk fearlessly, trusting that His love will guide us through any challenge.

Fearless Footprints Craft:

Create a “Fearless Footprints” craft at home! On a large piece of paper, trace your feet or draw footprints. Inside each footprint, write down or draw something that reminds you of God’s presence and protection, like “God’s Love,” “Prayer,” or “Faith.” Around the footprints, draw images of the “dark valleys” you might face, like “Fear,” “Loneliness,” or “Challenges.” This craft helps kids see how God walks with them, guiding and protecting them, even in difficult times.

Time For A Prayer:

Dear God, thank You for always being with us, even in the darkest valleys. Help us to trust in Your love and protection when we feel scared or worried. Give us courage to walk fearlessly, knowing that You are guiding us and keeping us safe. May we always find comfort in Your presence. Amen.

Keep walking fearlessly, Faith Force Fearless Walkers! Until our next Divine Dispatch, remember that God is always by your side, protecting and guiding you through any challenge. Let’s trust in His love and walk without fear, knowing He is our Shepherd.

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