Divine Dispatch

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Proverbs 18:21

Powerful Speakers: Using Words to Bring Life

Welcome, Faith Force Powerful Speakers! Today, we’re learning about how much power our words have and how we can use them to bring life, as shared in Proverbs 18:21.

Verse Of The Day:

"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." (Proverbs 18:21)

Proverbs 18:21 Image

Imagine holding a seed in your hand, ready to plant it in the ground. If you take care of that seed, it will grow into a healthy, strong plant that gives fruit. But if you ignore it or damage it, it won’t grow at all. Our words are like seeds—they have the power to bring life or hurt. Proverbs 18:21 reminds us that what we say can either build someone up or tear them down.

Every time we speak, we’re planting seeds in the hearts of others. When we use kind, loving, and truthful words, we’re planting seeds of life that help people grow in love, joy, and confidence. But when we use hurtful or mean words, we plant seeds of sadness or anger that can harm others. God wants us to be careful with our words, using them to speak life, kindness, and encouragement.

Just like a tree that bears good fruit, our words can bring goodness into the world. When we choose to speak words that are full of love and truth, we’re showing others the love of Jesus and helping them feel valued and cared for. Let’s use the power of our words to build others up and spread God’s love everywhere we go!

Words of Life Tree Craft:

Create a “Words of Life Tree” at home! Start by drawing or cutting out the shape of a tree on a large piece of paper. On each branch, write or draw words that bring life, like “Kindness,” “Encouragement,” “Love,” and “Truth.” Each time you say something kind or helpful to someone, write it on a leaf and add it to the tree. Watch as your tree grows with words of life! This craft helps kids see how their words can bring life and goodness to others.

Time For A Prayer:

Dear God, thank You for giving us the power to speak life with our words. Help us to use our words wisely, choosing to be kind, loving, and truthful. Teach us to build others up and to always share Your love through what we say. May our words bring life and joy to those around us. Amen.

Keep speaking life, Faith Force Powerful Speakers! Until our next Divine Dispatch, remember that your words have the power to bring life or harm. Let’s use them to plant seeds of kindness and love, spreading God’s goodness wherever we go.

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