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Matthew 6:9

Heavenly Chat: Learning to Talk to God with The Lord's Prayer

Greetings, Faith Force Communicators! Today, we're unlocking the secret to an amazing conversation with God, using the very words Jesus gave us.

Verse Of The Day:

"This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,'" (Matthew 6:9)

Matthew 6-9 Image

Imagine if you had a direct line to the most powerful and loving being in the universe—God Himself. What would you say? Well, Jesus gave us the perfect starting point: The Lord’s Prayer. It begins with “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,” which is like saying, “Hey God, You’re amazing and Your name is super special.”

This part of The Lord’s Prayer reminds us that when we talk to God, we’re speaking with someone who’s not just big and powerful, but also incredibly loving, like the most caring parent ever. It’s a way to start our prayers by remembering who God is and showing Him respect and love. And from there, we can share anything with Him—our hopes, our worries, and even our thanks and joys.

Prayer Starter Craft:

Create a “Prayer Starter” wheel. On a large paper circle, write “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,” and divide the rest of the circle into sections. In each section, add different prayer starters, like “Thank You for…,” “Please help…,” or “I’m sorry for…”. Spin the wheel each day to find a new way to start your conversations with God.

Time For A Prayer:

Dear God, thank You for teaching us how to pray. Help us to remember the power and love behind Your name and to come to You with everything in our hearts. Amen.

Stay connected and remember, prayer is just a conversation with God, and The Lord's Prayer is a great way to start. Keep chatting with God every day, and you'll find how amazing it is to have Him listen. Until our next Divine Dispatch, happy praying!

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