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Divine Dispatch

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Matthew 6:3

Secret Givers: The Joy of Hidden Kindness

Hello, Faith Force Secret Givers! Let's explore the special joy of giving in secret, as inspired by Matthew 6:3.

Verse Of The Day:

"But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing." (Matthew 6:3)

Matthew 6-3 Image

Imagine you have a magic invisibility cloak that allows you to do good deeds without anyone seeing. Matthew 6:3 encourages us to be like secret agents of kindness, quietly helping others without seeking applause or recognition. It’s about giving purely out of love, not for a reward or a pat on the back.

This verse teaches us that the true reward of giving is the joy it brings to our hearts and the difference it makes in someone’s life, not the praise we might get from others. When we give secretly, we’re focusing on what really matters: the act of kindness itself.

Secret Kindness Mission:

Plan a “Secret Kindness Mission” where you do something nice for someone without them knowing who did it. It could be as simple as leaving a friendly note, or helping out around the house without being asked. Keep a journal of how these secret missions make you feel and how you imagine they made the other person feel.

Time For A Prayer:

Dear God, help us to give with pure hearts, seeking only to please You and help others. Inspire us to carry out acts of kindness without seeking recognition, and fill our hearts with the joy that comes from giving. Amen.

Continue your missions of kindness, Faith Force Secret Givers! Remember, until our next Divine Dispatch, the greatest gifts are often the ones unseen. Keep spreading joy quietly and watching how it transforms the world around you.

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