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Divine Dispatch

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Mark 13:33

Alert Adventurers: Ready for Action with Faith

Hello, Faith Force Watchers! Gear up for today's mission: learning how to stay spiritually alert and ready for whatever comes our way.

Verse Of The Day:

"Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come." (Mark 13:33)

Mark 13-33 Image

Imagine you’re a superhero on night patrol, keeping the city safe. You need to stay alert, keeping your eyes open for any signs of trouble, so you can spring into action. This is a lot like what Jesus is telling us in Mark 13:33—He wants us to be spiritually alert, always ready to follow Him and shine His light, no matter what.

Being on guard means paying attention to our thoughts, actions, and the world around us, so we can live the way Jesus taught us. It’s about being prepared, whether it’s standing up for what’s right, helping others, or sharing God’s love, even when it’s unexpected. And just like superheroes have their gadgets and tools, we have prayer, the Bible, and our faith community to help keep us ready.

Faith Watch Tower Craft:

Build your own “Faith Watch Tower” using blocks, LEGO, or any materials you have. Decorate it with symbols that remind you to stay alert in your faith—like eyes for watchfulness, a heart for love, and a cross for Jesus. Place it somewhere you’ll see every day as a reminder to be ready and alert for God’s guidance and action.

Time For A Prayer:

God, help us to be on guard and stay alert in our faith. Teach us to be ready at all times to follow Your ways, share Your love, and stand up for what is right. Give us the strength and courage to be Your faithful adventurers, always prepared for action. Amen.

Stay sharp, Faith Force Watchers! With eyes wide open and hearts ready, there’s no telling how much good we can do. Keep building your faith and spreading kindness everywhere you go. Until our next Divine Dispatch, keep watching and be ready!

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