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Divine Dispatch

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Luke 6:36

Mercy Makers: Reflecting Compassion

Welcome, Faith Force Mercy Makers! Today, we focus on the profound call to embody mercy, inspired by Luke 6:36.

Verse Of The Day:

"Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." (Luke 6:36)

Luke 6-36 Image

Imagine living in a world where everyone treats each other with the kindness and forgiveness they hope to receive. Luke 6:36 challenges us to do just that—to show mercy and compassion in our daily interactions, reflecting the boundless mercy that God shows us.

This verse is a powerful reminder that mercy is not just an occasional act but a way of life. It calls us to look at others through a lens of grace, offering forgiveness and understanding even when it’s hard. By doing so, we not only make our communities kinder and more forgiving but also draw closer to the heart of God, who is the ultimate example of mercy.

Mercy Chain Project:

Create a “Mercy Chain” with links made from strips of colored paper. On each strip, write an act of mercy you’ve shown or plan to show—anything from forgiving someone who hurt you to helping someone in need. Connect the strips to see how long your chain can grow, symbolizing the continuous and connected nature of mercy in our lives.

Time For A Prayer:

Heavenly Father, teach us to be merciful as You are merciful. Help us to embody compassion and forgiveness in all our actions. May our lives reflect Your grace, and may our mercy towards others lead them to Your love. Amen.

Keep extending grace, Faith Force Mercy Makers! Remember, until our next Divine Dispatch, every act of mercy knits us closer to one another and to God. Let’s continue to weave a tapestry of compassion in our community.

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