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Divine Dispatch

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Luke 18:1

Persistence Power: Never Giving Up on Prayer

Hey Faith Force Persisters! Today, we're learning about the superpower of never giving up on talking to God, no matter what.

Verse Of The Day:

"Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up." (Luke 18:1)

Luke 18-1 Image

Imagine you’re a superhero on a mission, and you face a big challenge. Do you give up after the first try? No way! You keep going, trying different moves and strategies until you succeed. That’s just like praying! Jesus tells us in Luke 18:1 that we should keep talking to God, sharing our thoughts, needs, and dreams, and never stop, even when it seems like nothing’s happening.

This verse is a reminder that God loves hearing from us—all the time! It’s like sending signal flares into the sky; each prayer is a bright light that reaches God, showing Him we trust in His power and love. And just like superheroes, our persistence in prayer shows our bravery and faith, knowing that God is always listening and will respond in the best way at the best time.

Prayer Persistence Journal:

Create a special journal to keep track of your prayers and the ways you see God working in your life. Whenever you pray for something, write it down. Then, as days pass, jot down any answers you notice, big or small. Watching how God moves in response to your persistent prayers will amaze you!

Time For A Prayer:

Lord, thank You for the encouragement to always pray and not give up. Help us to be persistent in our prayers, trusting that You hear us and will answer in Your perfect timing. Give us patience and faith as we wait and watch for Your amazing work in our lives. Amen.

Keep those prayers flying, Faith Force Persisters! Your persistence in prayer is a powerful act of faith. Remember, every prayer is heard, and in God’s time, you’ll see just how powerful your persistence can be. Until our next Divine Dispatch, keep talking to God!

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