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Divine Dispatch

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John 1:12

Children of Light: The Journey of Belief

Welcome, Faith Force Children of Light! Today, we discover the transformative power of belief and the right to become children of God, as shared in John 1:12.

Verse Of The Day:

“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12)

John 1:12 Image

Imagine walking in a dimly lit path, where every step feels uncertain. Then, ahead of you, a light shines brightly, offering warmth, guidance, and safety. This is what happens when we believe in Jesus and accept Him into our lives. John 1:12 tells us that through belief, we step into the light and become part of God’s family—His children of light.

Becoming a child of God isn’t about where we come from or what we’ve done; it’s about choosing to believe in Jesus and accepting His love. This belief transforms us, lighting our path with hope, joy, and the promise of eternal love. As children of light, we’re called to shine brightly, helping others find their way to this beautiful, divine family.

Light of Belief Lanterns:

Craft a “Light of Belief Lantern.” Decorate it with symbols of faith, hope, and love. When you light it, let it remind you of the light you carry within as a child of God. Share this activity with friends and family, inviting them to celebrate their journey of belief.

Time For A Prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of belief and for welcoming us as Your children. Help us to walk in Your light, shining brightly for all to see. May our lives reflect Your love and guide others to find their way to You. Amen.

Keep shining your light, Faith Force Children of Light! Remember, until our next Divine Dispatch, your belief is the beacon that guides you and others to the warmth and safety of God’s family.

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