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Divine Dispatch

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1 John 5:14

Confident Conversations: Chatting with God Who Always Listens

Hey Faith Force Communicators! Today, we're learning about the amazing confidence we can have when we talk to God, knowing He's always ready to listen.

Verse Of The Day:

"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us." (1 John 5:14)

1 John 5-14 Image

Imagine if you had a direct line to your favorite superhero, someone who could swoop in and save the day. Now, what if I told you that you have something even better? You can talk to God anytime, and He’s always ready to listen!

1 John 5:14 tells us that when we want to talk to God, we can be totally sure He’s tuning in. It’s like having a super-powered walkie-talkie that never runs out of batteries. And the best part? God wants to hear everything—our hopes, our worries, even our silliest thoughts. When we make sure our wishes line up with what’s good and right (that’s what “according to His will” means), we can be super confident that God’s not just listening, but He’s also working in our lives in amazing ways.

Prayer Balloons:

Let’s make Prayer Balloons! Write a prayer or a wish for someone else on a piece of paper, then put it inside a balloon. Blow up the balloon and tie it. Keep it somewhere special, or if you can, release it into the sky as a symbol of sending your prayers up to God. Remember, God hears each one, just like He catches every balloon.

Time For A Prayer:

Dear God, thank You for always listening to our prayers. Help us to remember that we can come to You with anything, and You're always ready to listen. Give us the confidence to talk to You every day, knowing You hear us and care about us. Amen.

Keep those confident conversations going, Faith Force! Remember, God is always just a prayer away, listening and ready to help. Until our next Divine Dispatch, keep sending those prayers up—God is catching every one!

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