Divine Dispatch

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Leviticus 20:26

Distinctive Disciples: Set Apart to Shine

Welcome, Faith Force Distinctive Disciples! Today, we delve into what it means to be distinctly set apart for God, as instructed in Leviticus 20:26.

Verse Of The Day:

"You are to be holy to me because I, the Lord, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own." (Leviticus 20:26)

Leviticus 20-26 Image

Imagine you’re a unique puzzle piece designed to fit perfectly into a specific place. Just like that puzzle piece, Leviticus 20:26 reminds us that God has chosen us to fit into His grand design in a special way. He calls us to be holy, just as He is holy, setting us apart to reflect His goodness and love in the world.

This verse isn’t just about being different for the sake of difference; it’s about embodying the qualities that align with God’s nature—love, kindness, justice, and integrity. It encourages us to live in a way that shows the world what God is like, influencing others through our actions and choices.

"Holy Mosaic" Art Project:

Create a “Holy Mosaic” using colored pieces of paper or tiles. Each piece represents a quality or action that sets us apart as God’s people (like kindness, honesty, prayer, service). Arrange the pieces to form a large poster or wall art. This visual will serve as a reminder of how our distinct qualities come together to form a beautiful picture of holiness.

Time For A Prayer:

Heavenly Father, thank You for setting us apart to be Yours. Help us to embrace our unique role in Your divine plan. Teach us to live holy lives, reflecting Your character in all that we do. May our lives inspire others to seek You and discover the joy of being part of Your family. Amen.

Shine brightly, Faith Force Distinctive Disciples! Remember, until our next Divine Dispatch, each day is an opportunity to live out the holiness He has called you to. Let your distinctive qualities light up the world around you.

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