Faith Force Legend:


Meet the hero - Mary Image


  • Faithful Obedience

    Mary’s unparalleled trust in God’s plan allows her to accept the incredible and challenging role of being the mother of Jesus.

  • Courageous Strength

    She displays extraordinary strength and composure in the face of hardships, including societal judgment, the journey to Bethlehem, and witnessing her son’s crucifixion.

  • Loving Devotion

    Mary’s unconditional love and care for Jesus exemplify her role as a mother who nurtures and supports the Savior of the world.

Unveiling the Legend

Mary was a humble young woman living in Nazareth when the angel Gabriel appeared to her, announcing that she had been chosen to bear the Messiah. Though initially startled, Mary responded with faith and humility, saying, “I am the Lord’s servant.” Her journey was one of profound trust in God, as she faced the challenges of being the mother of Jesus, from his miraculous birth in Bethlehem to raising him in Nazareth and supporting his ministry. Mary’s faith and devotion made her a pivotal figure in God’s redemptive plan.

Mary Meeting Gabriel Image
Mary Mother of Jesus Image
  • Accepted Her Role as the Mother of the Messiah: Mary’s willingness to accept God’s plan, despite the personal and societal challenges it posed, demonstrated her incredible faith.
  • Supported Jesus’ Ministry: Mary was present throughout Jesus’ life, providing love and guidance, and even being present at the wedding in Cana, where Jesus performed his first miracle.
  • Witnessed the Crucifixion and Resurrection: Despite the heartbreak, Mary stayed with Jesus during his crucifixion, offering her unwavering support. She was also among the first to celebrate his resurrection, symbolizing the hope of new life for humanity.
  • Herod’s Threat: Shortly after Jesus’ birth, King Herod sought to kill him, forcing Mary and Joseph to flee to Egypt to protect their child.
  • Societal Judgment: As an unwed mother, Mary faced potential shame and judgment from her community, relying on God’s strength and Joseph’s support to persevere.
Mary's Hero Profile - Herod Nemesis Image
Mary's Hero Profile - Ally - Joseph Image
  • Joseph: Mary’s husband and Jesus’ earthly father, who supported and protected her throughout their journey.
  • Elizabeth: Mary’s cousin, who shared in her joy and faith when pregnant with John the Baptist, affirming God’s miraculous work in their lives.
  • The Disciples: After Jesus’ resurrection, Mary was a source of strength and unity for the early church, counted among those who prayed and waited for the coming of the Holy Spirit.
"My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior."
Luke 1:46-47

Game Zone:

Quiz Time

Constructed by Faith Force using the online quiz maker from Amuse Labs

Word Search

Made by Faith Force using PuzzleMe's free wordsearch maker

Colouring Page

Mary Coloring Page Image


Made by Faith Force using the jigsaw creator from Amuse Labs
Superhero Kids with FF Emblem Image

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