Divine Dispatch

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Isaiah 53:6

Lost Sheep: Finding Our Way Back to God

Welcome, Faith Force Lost Sheep! Today, we’re learning about how we sometimes wander away, but God is always there to bring us back, as shared in Isaiah 53:6.

Verse Of The Day:

"We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all." (Isaiah 53:6)

Isaiah 53:6 Image

Imagine being a little sheep that has wandered far away from the rest of the flock. You feel lost and alone, not sure how to get back home. But then, the shepherd comes looking for you and gently guides you back to safety. That’s what Isaiah 53:6 tells us—we are like lost sheep, sometimes going our own way, but God, our Shepherd, sent Jesus to bring us back to Him.

We all make mistakes, and sometimes we stray from what God wants for us. We do things that are wrong, like not listening to God’s Word or choosing selfish actions. But even when we wander, God still loves us! He sent Jesus to take all our mistakes and sins on Himself so that we could be forgiven and brought back to God’s family.

Just like a shepherd cares for his sheep, God takes care of us. Even when we feel lost or far from Him, He is always ready to bring us back. Jesus’ sacrifice means that no matter how far we’ve strayed, we can always return to God’s loving arms.

Sheep and Shepherd Game:

Create a “Sheep and Shepherd” game at home! Cut out small sheep shapes from paper, and write down things that sometimes lead us astray, like “Disobedience,” “Selfishness,” or “Not praying.” Hide the sheep around the room. One person will be the “shepherd,” whose job is to find the lost sheep and gently bring them back to the “sheepfold” (a designated area). Each time a sheep is found, talk about how God always brings us back to Him, even when we wander. This activity helps kids understand how Jesus, our Shepherd, leads us back when we’ve gone astray.

Time For A Prayer:

Dear God, thank You for being our loving Shepherd, always bringing us back when we go our own way. Help us to follow You and to remember that Jesus took our sins so that we could be forgiven. May we always trust in Your care and feel safe in Your love. Amen.

Keep following your Shepherd, Faith Force Lost Sheep! Until our next Divine Dispatch, remember that even when we wander away, God is always there to bring us back through Jesus. Let’s stay close to Him, knowing that He will guide us every step of the way.