Divine Dispatch

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Hebrews 13:16

Compassion Crew: The Joy of Sharing and Doing Good

Hello, Faith Force Compassion Crew! Today’s mission is to uncover the joy and blessings that come from sharing with others and doing good.

Verse Of The Day:

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” -Hebrews 13:16

Hebrews 13:16 Image

Imagine your heart is like a garden. Every act of kindness and sharing is like planting a seed in that garden. With each seed planted, your garden grows more beautiful and abundant. This is what Hebrews 13:16 teaches us—God loves it when we do good and share with others. It’s like offering a beautiful bouquet from our heart’s garden to God.

Doing good and sharing isn’t always easy; sometimes it feels like a sacrifice. But, just like planting a seed requires letting go of it to bury it in the earth, we see the most beautiful results when we give freely. Our actions can be a light to others, showing them God’s love through us. So, let’s be part of the Compassion Crew, spreading joy and kindness everywhere we go!

Compassion Quests:

Create a list of “Compassion Quests” for the week. Each quest should involve an act of kindness or sharing. It could be giving away toys or clothes you no longer use, making a card for someone who needs cheering up, or helping out at home without being asked.

Time For A Prayer:

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us of the joy and blessing in sharing and doing good. Help us to be generous and kind, always looking for ways to serve others and please You. Give us the courage to make sacrifices for the sake of love. Amen.

Keep planting seeds of kindness, Faith Force Compassion Crew! Remember, until our next Divine Dispatch, your acts of sharing and doing good are the most beautiful gifts you can give to the world—and to God!

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